Aleksandr Vladimirovich Leontovich
Candidate of Psychological Sciences
Director of the MSU University Gymnasium
Organizer and chairman of the “Researcher” Creative Teachers Interregional Social Movement (regional branches in 57 subjects of the Russian Federation). Leading researcher at the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Upbringing of RAS. Researcher at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after Vernadsky, chairman of the Editorial Board of the “Researcher” journal. Co сhairman of the All-Russian Conference “Research Activities of Students in the Modern Educational Space”. Head and consultant of municipal and regional programs for the development of research activities in over 30 subjects of the Russian Federation (Novy Urengoy, Tomsk, Ulan-Ude, Sochi, etc.). Member of the Board of Directors of the “MILSET” International Movement for the Promotion of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth. Member of the Commission for the Development of the Scientifiс Heritage of Academician V.I. Vernadsky at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Education and Science (2012-2016).